This year, I've had a whole new perspectives on Christmas. It hit me everytime that I would bebop along with a Christmas carol or song that all of this was about a baby. Now I've known this for what seems like forever, but it is alot more real to me now. A baby is actually breathing and living and moving. It amazes me that Jesus was a baby, just like our little one is a baby. I wonder if he cried at night or if his poops were explosive and messy. Obviously he must have been like all the other babies in the world. I'm just in awe again and again of our Lord's amazing plan to use a baby!
So Christmas has come and gone already, with all of its crazyiness and excitement. First, I had to get over a wonderful bout of strep throat which took us to the emergency room Sunday night. YUCK!! We spent Christmas Eve with the Haynes family eating a wonderful spaghetti dinner, as the tradition goes, and attending church. We finished the evening with our family present opening, and we were all surprised with French gifts that were super cool! Kailyn of course slept through most of the event, but took a few poses with her new treasures! We are really blessed to be in a family who thinks so highly of each other and gives so muc to each other.
Christmas morning, Rob and I spent a few hours opening our gifts to each other and Kailyn. Thtat girl is really spoiled, let me tell you! She doesn't even have a clue of what went on, and hopefully we keep it a secret so she doesn't expect it always! :) We ate nut bread, Rob's fav!
Then we headed over to the Eshbaugh's for another day full of fun! Again, we are blessed! We opened presents, some of which I think we can re-wrap and fool Kailyn into thinking they are new for a few years! We are toy equipped! Then we had a buffet of ham and salads and taco dip (Rob's creation, or course :) )
After some time of visiting with great grandma and grandpa from Florida, and Aunt Deb and Uncle John, we headed back to the Haynes' house for another wonderful dinner of turkey, potatoes and the holiday works! Bless those hands that made it :) ( I love you mom!) We spent some more time with Uncle Bevan and "gruncle" Chris and great grandma. By this times, we were exhausted, and little KB could hardly hole her eyes open. What a fabulous day spent with family!Uncle Bevan's first Kailyn experience.
Her first French doll. :)
What a long day! I'm exhausted!
Christmas to remember!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:22 AM 2 comments
it's been awhile
Hello Mr. Waddles
I'm getting so big!!!!
MMMMMM, my hand is tasty!
OK! So with all the craziness of the season in full gear, I've been unable to get a few minutes to update! Let's see.. we've had a snow day (yippee!), had a gas leak :(, Kailyn's "received" her shots, taken Christmas pictures, shopped till we were falling over and way cranky....but the biggest news of all...
are you ready for this one?
Kailyn has her first TOOTH! Yes, I did say tooth! On Tuesday she was a little more fussy than usual and was drooling up a storm and stuffing her hand in her mouth quite a bit. Rob and I checked in her mouth and no doubt about it, she's got a bottom tooth making its way up. WOW! She wasn't even 3 months yet. So it's been lots of fun! :) She's getting too big already!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:24 PM 3 comments
Kailyn and her "puppy"
Kailyn has taken a sincere liking to Maxie, who we know call our "puppy" even though she's almost 7 years old. Yesterday, Kailyn was sitting watching Maxie play with her stuffed bear (Maxie throws it up in the air, shakes it and growls at it) and she started LAUGHING! Not just the little giggles we've been hearing but a full blown belly laugh! Rob and I just looked at each other and couldn't believe what we were hearing! She sounded like a real person laughing. I started crying it was so unbelievably precious. She kept watching her puppy play and was even shaking her head like Maxie a few times.Maxie still is not quite sure about Kailyn, but she does not bother her at all...just checks her out (and mostly ignores her!)
Our two little babies!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 1:57 PM 4 comments
We need a little Christmas...
OK, so I know that I am not the only one....but I am using this blog as a way to find out since many of you who read are a part of the Haynes family! What are we going to do for the Haynes side for Christmas? We have missed one too many Christmas parties. I know I really miss seeing everyone and getting together to celebrate. If I was able, I would host it, but that would be a little tricky given the space at our house, but I am willing to help out! I hope I'm not being overly obnoxious about this, but wouldn't it be nice to catch up with everyone? :) Hopefully this at least gets a conversation going... :)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:11 PM 4 comments