Kailyn helped me carve a pumpkin today...as you can see she was a BIG help...
Isn't that the cutest Boo bootie you've ever seen??
HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:36 PM 4 comments
My bro
Hey everyone who checks in on us... my brother has also started a blog!Hooray...updates from France!! www.bevanthepenguin.blogspot.com
Gotta go Kailyn is eating her hand....
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Trick or Treat!
Our cute little elephant! She helped pass out our candy to the neighborhood. AWWWWW.... :)See Maxie's cute little nose checking Kailyn out? She is her master protector for sure!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:22 PM 6 comments
real tub time!
Now that Kailyn has lost her umbilical cord (although it took nearly 3 weeks!) she gets to have real tub time. No more sponge baths! She LOVES her bath time! And even makes it seem like she is splashing her hand in the water. SHe just sits back and lets us wash her....what a great baby! (not to brag)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 5:58 PM 6 comments
these hands
I wonder what these hands will do in her lifetime? Will they...
play piano?
get weekly manicures?
write poetry?
wear a softball glove?
type 90 words per minute?
pick fleas off her dogs?
flick paper footballs across a table?
track what she reads?
cover her ears during thunderstorms?
pick dandelions for her mommy?
give high fives?
hook pinkies with her cousins?
sign "I Love You"?
give the peace sign back to her grandpa?
pinch a little salt for a recipe?
It's just unbelievable to me that the whole world is out there for her, and she can do whatever she dreams of doing. I get so overwhelmed thinking about our part in her decisions and personality. These hands are going to do amazing things! And they will do the ordinary everyday things too- that's what blows my mind.
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 11:08 PM 2 comments
cutie pie
And you're telling me they can't smile yet??
Checking herself out in the mirror...
First time in the crib...it is soooooo big!!! (or she's soooo small)
Maxie watches as Kailyn practices lifting her head. By the way, Maxie has been wonderful! We are impressed by her behavior since Kailyn has come home. She is extremely protective of the baby and checks up on her often. She puts her paws up on the bassinet to see if she's in there, and she has to approve of whoever Kailyn gets passed to. This has been a huge relief!
Our first walk in the stroller....as soon as we got moving, she fell asleep....luckily she is soothed by motion!
I have to say that I am just so blessed to be experiencing all of these things. It is amazing how quickly you fall in love with something (someone) immediately. I can't imagine life without her anymore!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:35 PM 4 comments
one more time?
Wow! Last night, Kailyn slept for 5 and a half hours straight! She has been such a good baby, that when I find myself complaining, I have to stop, because she truly is a perfect angel. Yea, yea, I know I'm the mom, but seriously... she's doing very well! She had her first babysitting last Friday night. My mom and dad watched her so that Rob and I could get out (I needed a short break....and to see see some other people in the world- needless to say, I called about 20 minutes into the everning). She got to visit both of her grandparents houses over the weekend, and went to her first restaurant dinner at Rockne's. I guess everything she does is a new first for her! Now, she's cheering on those Indians with us! I'll add pictures tomorrow hopefully...
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 10:12 PM 3 comments
good DR. appointment!
Kailyn went back for her 2 week visit today and had a beautiful appointment! She has regained her birth weight and is tipping the scale at 8 lbs. 13 oz! A very healthy little girl. The Dr. set my mind at ease about her feeding patterns and the "trials" of breastfeeding. I'm keeping at it, but it is not the easiest thing to do...
Here we are reading a book today... (or in her case, sitting down and staring at the ceiling as mommy reads and tries to hold the pictures up for her... :) )
Daddy tried on the baby backpack holder thing....she's still a bit small for it, but what a cool thing!
BIG stretches- she does a routine of stretching everytime she wakes up...TOO CUTE!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:18 PM 6 comments
For some reason my post did not go up last night when I updated, so I apologize to everyone who's wondering if I'm back from the hospital yet or not.
I am finally home!! I was released on Saturday night and could not have been happier to leave that place behind. They did not find anything on the MRI they did on Sat. afternoon, and my blood pressure had gone down almost to my normal levels. I still have a dull headache, but it should be going away with time.... I had a check up with my Dr. today, and of course, my blood pressure was back up but only in the medium high rnage, so I am monitoring it from home and going back in on Thursday. Enough of this already...I'm ready to enjoy being a mama!
We gave Kailyn her first bath last week! I guess it would be called more of a wipe down because her cord ahs not fallen off, so she cannot be put into water yet. But she absolutely loved having her hair washed and just cooed away at us as we did it! She wasn't too crazy about the rest of it, but she didn't scream!
Enjoy the pictures! not really loving or hating the "bath"
sudzing up the hair
She's holding her pacifier all by herself! At least it appears that way :)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:28 PM 4 comments