
tomorrow's the day

May 1st is finally going to be here! We go tomorrow at 3:45 to have the "big ultrasound." They will check for all the coreect number of parts :) and we'll hopefully know for sure whether we are joining the blue or pink team. I'm trying not to think about it too much as I know I won't sleep if I do.
It was so neat to come home today and walk past the nursery and see the crib set up. Rob said that it made him happy all day too just knowing it's in there. The yellow walls are very cheerful.
Well off to see the Cavs try to come back and win game 4.


the nursery

Rob and spent most of the weekend getting the nursery cleaned out and semi-set up. We got the crib together and have moved almost everything else out of my old office (which was never used for an office, rather a junk collecting room). Now we can put some of the baby things we've gotten in the dresser drawers and start to set up. Maybe it's too early, but it sure was fun and exciting to do this together. I'll put up some pictures when I have the chance to upload them. :)

a strange dream

I finally had a dream that had something to do with the baby. But it was an odd one. We were at the ultrasound and when they put the picture up on the screen, there was a parasite fish (like the one in Grey's Anatomy this week) in with the baby. No one seemed to really make a big deal about it, just like it should be there. Then the doctor said, "Well, there is definitely a brick!" And somehow I knew that that meant it was a girl. Don't know why a brick meant girl. Then I woke up because I think I got a kick in the stomach. Way strange. I know that dreams can't really predict anything, but it is kinda stuck in my mind. I wish the tech at the first ultrasound hadn't said anything about boy or girl! Now if it's a girl we'll be a little thrown off. AH well, I guess it's all in the masters' plan. :)


The crib!

Tonight we bought our crib and dresser/changing table. It's white and was a fabulous deal that we couldn't pass up. It's all becoming so real now. A crib must mean there will really be a baby to sleep in it.

Squawk, squawk...

So today I was telling my kiddos that I was going to be absent on Friday and of course all of the questions and assumptions starting rolling in...one of them said "she'll be at home hatching her baby on Friday". I almost peed my pants I laughed so hard and then I could not stop laughing and all of the sudden I was crying, and the whole class was laughing uproariously, except for the little one who said it. He was rather upset that I found it so funny. Maybe he was more embarrassed than anything. But if anyone is looking for me on Friday I will be roosting on my nest.


What not to say...

to a pregnant lady....

Wow, look at how big you are already! You are going to get huge!! You'll have a big baby too. They are the healthiest at least.



Good DR. appt

Today was my 16 week checkup (even though tomorrow is 17 weeks) and everything was perfect! We got to hear the heartbeat which was really cool. It makes it a little more real each time. I was worried that I'm growing too fast, my belly seems pretty big, but the midwife assured me I am right on track. So we can sit back and relax. We scheduled the date for the BIG ultrasound. It's May 1st, so not too long until we know for sure if we're on the blue team or pink team.
Now if only it would stop snowing....


good Maxie...

Well with all of the changes happening around the house, we are figuring that our little dog is going to have some issues. First, she already has a few little issues, but we tend to overlook those until she makes us hurt. She's got personality- that's for sure. So we called in "Anything's Pawsible" to help out and we have started her with obedience training hoping that she will become less aggressive and more predictable. So far she has tried to attack us when we try to put on the choke chain that Portia (the trainer) uses. After a week of not being able to get it on her to practice, we gave in to her (and the trainer too) and now she doesn't have to have the special collar. What a brat. But she is making progress! Last week, we re-taught her how to sit. Now she stays in the sitting position until we say "free" which is pretty hilarious because both of us tend to be a little dramatic with the "free." We dance around and change our voices. No wonder she moves, she's probably afraid...But she does not run right after treats being thrown through the air anymore, she waits for free. A small break through!