We were very fortunate to be able to get away for almost a week to Naples Florida! Rob's aunt has a condo that was available, (thank you so much!) and Rob had some air miles piled up, so we headed out.
Before the airplane took off...As it hit its top speed on the runway, Kailyn turned from the window to look at me and said "WHEEEEEE!" It was too priceless!

First time at the beach- Kailyn called it the big sandbox.

At the pool- we had it to ourselves most of the time since the condo community was practically abandoned for the hot months.

One of the beaches we went to had a small cove that did not get any waves. We had to walk across the water with all of our things above our heads to get to the ocean beach. It was so neat!

A bit hazy, but it shows her Mickey Mouse floaties- LOVED THEM!!

FINALLY!!! Kailyn showing her teeth and "semi" smiling for a picture! She is so good at avoiding the camera on purpose!!
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