
Let's Play!!

My absolute favorite thing about summer break is playing. Kailyn and I have been playing and playing every day- as much as possible. Just when I think she's out of energy, she surprises me with a "run, mommy, run!" and off we go chasing each other around the house or yard.
Going down her slide- at first she experimented walking up it, sliding on her belly, and even going down standing up, but now she's ok with just flying down as fast as possible on her bottom.

Creating her own way to swing

Kailyn and her buddy Logan in the pool. We go to storytime on Tuesdays at the library and then hang out with "baby Lo" and his mama Julie.

A major mistake on daddy's part- he took her to the icecream truck that circulates the neighborhood at least twice daily. As you can imagine she now knows the song and cries out "icream icream" when it goes by. Thanks honey- I'm sure you're laughing while you are at work.


Bevan graduates!!

We went down to Fairborn to visit Bevan and celebrate his graduation the second weekend in June. He showed us his new apartment that he was about to move into. It's great- it's on the air force base, so he has a wonderful community around him.

Kailyn was super excited to see that the hotel had a pool. All she wanted to do was "swim, swim, swim~!" Grammy enjoyed toodling her around in the pool!

Can you find Bevan?? He was one of the first graduates to cross the stage! A job well done!! Congratulations Bevan on graduating Cum Laude!

Some new house firsts~!

With us moving, we made the decision to transition Kailyn to a "big girl" bed when we got the the new house. We thought it would make it fun for her and take away some of the nervousness of a new home. W choose a bed that she'll hopefully use for many many years. The lower part pulls out so it's low to the ground, and then mommy can sleep in the regular part if she wants :) First night in the bed!!! Amazingly, she's done very well and hasn't gotten up once. We did leanr very quickly to put a big fluffy pillow at the end though to catch her rollovers.

Here was our first breakfast at the new house! We weren't even staying there yet (we ended up having a few kinks with the signing process- so we moved our stuff in, but didn't stay for a few days), but we spent some days there moving things in and getting used to it before the first big night!!

end of May

I'm going to try to do a few catch ups!
We had the chance to go to one of the Cavs watch parties when they were playing in Orlando. Let's just say the game we went to was the beginning of the end. :( It was so neat to sit at the Q though and watch the game surrounded by thousands of fans!

We headed to my parents for a Memorial Day cookout!
My dad was quite proud of the ribs! Another fabulous grill job, dad!