A Haynes family Christmas gathering
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:14 PM 4 comments
Christmas 2008
What a wonderful holiday season we have had so far! We spent Christmas Eve day at home just relaxing (it's been so nice to just sit back and enjoy spending time with Kailyn without having to go to work). That evening we headed to my mom and dad's for our traditional Christmas Eve spaghetti dinner. Then we went to church (where Kailyn behaved beautifully- staying for the whole service instead of going to the nursery) and returned to mom and dad's to open Christmas presents. It was such a treat to have Bevan home (he surprised everyone by coming 2 days early!) and just enjoy being with everyone. Then it was home again to wait for Santa to arrive!
Waking up with daddy after her nap
Uncle Bevan knit Kailyn a hat. Isn't that too sweet?
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 8:34 PM 1 comments
I'm doing it myself...don't even try to help
I think the title says it all...Kailyn now screams and yells if you try to help her get dressed. She backs herself into a corner and tries to put socks and pants on alone. Her personality makes us laugh~
The monkey must have had a stuff nose- she kep doing this all night.
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:00 PM 3 comments