I updated the blog! I'm trying to keep up with it more~!
We took a pic just like this last year...I think we'll try to do it every year!

Playing in the leaves! When we went out, I told Rob that we were going out to rake. Hmmm...really, we just played! :)

Cleaning out the pumpkin...something I really enjoy! Kailyn however, did not want to touch all the icky stuff. She just took the seeds and moved them to the cookie sheet- then put them back in the pumpkin- over and over again.

HaHaHa! Kailyn loves going in circles under my dad's legs. She just cracks up and laughs and gets super dizzy. It was pretty funny to watch my mom crawl through to show her how to do it. Don't worry mom, I won't put that picture up. :)

Very cute!
Rach, you telling the story of how Kailyn was putting the seeds on the tray and then back in the pumpkin made me think of a story about us....
Remember at Aunt Pam's when we were little with the styrofoam peanuts! We were putting them in a trash can and then dumping them all back out! That's on video somewhere! LOL....
Oh my goodness... I looked back on the blog at last year's picture on the chair and compared it to this year's picture. I cannot get over the difference in Kailyn! It's amazing how much she is growing and changing! :)
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