I have found the best part of living in Cuyahoga Falls...the parks! We have a park, a 10 min. stroller walk away, that has become my favorite thing about this summer. It is mostly shady with some beautiful trees for picnicing, baby swings and teeter totters, and (probably KB's fav....) a wading pool! We have spent a few days now at the park just relaxing and taking in the summer weather. a nice picnic lunch first
Kailyn uses her little raft to walk herself around the 1 ft. deep pool. It's pretty large, and she just scoots around like she owns it! She chases the ducks and tries to grab the beach balls. It's really fun watching her around the other kiddos- she gets right up close to them and tries to "play."
Afternoons at the park
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 10:02 PM 4 comments
Daddy's softball game
Rob's regular schedule softball season is over. Now they are on to the playoffs. KB and I seem to be a jinx to him because whenever we're there, he freezes. :( We were asked (jokingly) not to come watch next week. Maybe he'll go back to his normal play! hahaha Kailyn does more playing than watching of course. :)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 10:40 PM 2 comments
Misc. catch up!
Swinging at G and G Haynes' house! Rollin on down the sidewalk
Mom! It's moving!!! (a little rolypoly bug!)

Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 10:19 PM 3 comments
Happy 4th of July!

Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 11:14 PM 2 comments
A Night Away
You may think we're crazy, but we haven't taken a whole night away from Kailyn yet. But last night, we dropped her off at her G & G Haynes' house and headed out! It was very strange to sleep all night without checking in on her or getting up early. Now I know that 8:30 isn't exactly sleeping in (a ton), but what a nice break!
On our night away, we headed to good old Blossom for the Tim McGraw concert! We were kinda worried about rain and storms, so when we got there, we upgraded (for not much money at all) to pavillion seats. It was a very special treat! The concert was amazing and the whole place was pumped up. It didn't even rain until we were headed home.
Jason Aldean was the second to hit the stage. He got everyone pumped up for Tim to head out!Now I'm off to go pick little KB up and hear about her adventures last night! :)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:04 AM 6 comments