It has been a while....since my grandparents passed away three years ago, that the Haynes family has gotten together. I know that some of us see others more often, but it was so wonderful to see everyone for a great afternoon. We definetly missed those who couldn't come! I always think that I take too many pictures, but after getting home discovered I really hadn't gotten very many (except for cow pics). So here are some snapshots from our afternoon. We are hoping to do it again very soon and really reconnect with our family.
Cousins Julie and Chris with KB (my mom and dad in the background)
Mitchell shows Kailyn one of his old favorite books!Kailyn and cousin Isaac meet on the floor- she grabbed onto his toes and even his head at one point. It was so neat to see them together! Isaac is quite a little man!! And KB thought his binky was pretty cool looking too!
Cousin Jessica- who I can remember being as little as Kailyn- hanging with KB.
And of course, a trip to the farm is never complete without the cows!!
I am quite sure my cousin Julie will do this afternoon more justice on her pressure Julie! :)
family gathering
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 3:24 PM 4 comments
a little more...while I have a moment or two
Happy Birthday Grandma Haynes!!I'm sitting in a highchair at restaurants now!
And I still don't get this cup thing, but it sure is fun to chew on!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Happy Easter (only a week late) ~~
Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. I used to LOVE the Easter bunny and attempted to catch him every year. My favorite Easter Bunny story is from the first Easter that my parents asked the Easter Bunny to come to our house. I must have been 3 (maybe) and was so excited about having to find the eggs he was going to leave. My parents were looking forward to my first E Rabbit experience, but during the middle of the night (after the giant bunny had come) I woke up, found all the eggs, ate all the Easter candy in the baskets and sat around waiting for morning. Finally, I ran into my parents room proclaiming that the bunny had come and that I found all the eggs, and boy was that candy good that he left us! How could the stay mad at me for long! So I am totally awaiting our first Easter Bunny experience in a few years.This Easter, we spent time at the Eshbaughs and Haynes'.
Kailyn is checking our her grandma and cousing Natalie while of course posing for the camera.
She loves playing with grandma Eshbaugh's radio. All the dancing lights and buttons intrigue her. When she presses the open/close button, the CD tray bumps her in the head! Grandma tells her that she knows more about the thing than she does because she can change the channels and do fancy things she didn't even know the thing did! Me and Natalie (she's snoozing so peacefully...)
Uncle Bevan came home!
E. Rabbit left Kailyn a special present in her basket. Her first piece of jewelry- a sapphire cross. A very precious moment!
I really wanted to try this jelly bean- and mommy is a sucker... pretty tasty!
Grandma Haynes loves feeding KB! Her she has some oatmeal before the dreaded sweet potatoes- not really a veggie lover. (Like her mama)A long exciting day always ends in the best place....sleeping in mom's arms. :)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 2:53 PM 2 comments
playing catchup
YIKES! I was almost about to set a record of having only 1 post for the entire month of March!! Better get back to updating this better....if only there were more hours in a day :)Kailyn's newest favorite toy...although it does seem to change daily! She tries to bite the ball jingly bell out of the see through inflatable ball. Pretty funny to watch! :)
She is totally growing more hair...can't you see it??
Two of her most viewed books...Baby Animals (this one has furry patches to touch!) and Squishy Turtle (fun and definetly squishy the whole way through!)
She loves watching me get her food ready and then of course has to sample it by licking the lid! I've got to have her ready for Snack Packs! :)
"I don't want to sit down anymore guys....I want to go!!! "
For a few days KB went through a sucking on her bottome lip stage. It was hilarious to watch, but as quickly as it came, it disappeared.
This is how much she loves to eat carrots....the red eyes enhance the fact that she really hates them!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 2:33 PM 1 comments
Random Pics
Rachel's been a little crazy with teaching, schoolwork, and Kailyn right now and hasn't had a chance to post recently. But here are some various pics. Enjoy! - Rob
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 12:14 AM 3 comments