Tonight marked Kailyn's first experience with some kind of solid food...Rice Cereal. She's been eyeing our food up for a little over a month now and opening her mouth like she wanted us to put it in hers. At the Dr. yesterday, she told us to go ahead and start with the cereal. I was so excited all day to try it out tonight, and it was quite an experience. :)
Waiting in her high chair... ( I guess the burp rag looked appetizing at the moment)First bite....HMMMM...she opened up wide and pretended to chew- and then it lal came sliding out!
This is so fun!
She started reaching for it after a few bites and wanted to grab the spoon. I think it was more of a game at this point, because she only swallowed a few teeny times and her face looked quite surprised when she did.
MMMM...Yum Yum!
A New Adventure
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:58 PM 4 comments
The big girl tub is just ducky!! Ha, ah, ha! (Thanks Kate and Tom! We love it!)
A visit with cousin Natalie- who cooperated a little better than KB for pics (she slept right through). :)
It was a long day visiting her aunt Deb, uncle John, and Natalie... WIPED OUT! (with some rosey cheeks)
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 9:50 PM 3 comments
Hanging with (on...) Spaite!
Posing for my class. It's beach party day tomorrow, so Kailyn wanted to be a part!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 10:36 PM 4 comments
Kailyn is now able to go in her bouncer, and she just LOVES it! She is constantly trying to stand on our legs, so this was the perfect thing to put together for her.
Last night, we moved her to her own room in her own crib. No more bassinet in mom and dad's room. She did great; we were the babies about it and missed hearing her all night! She's growing up way too fast!
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 11:11 AM 4 comments
first cousin!
Hooray! Natalie Alanna Klapp was born on January 9 at 1:23 AM. She was 5 pounds 7 ounces (I'm pretty sure), and 18.5 inches long! She is doing super and Deb (Rob's sister) and John are so thrilled to have her. This officially makes me and Rob aunts and uncles! YEA!Kailyn got a bit fussy when she got to meet her for the first time. Those toothys (we're up to 3!) are really ouchy. But you can see she looks soooooooooo huge compared to little Natalie.
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 5:08 PM 1 comments
some more...
This is my (Rachel's) favorite new toy! She can make herself spin around and see all the different little activities. She doesn't have quite the same love for it yet, in fact, she screams when I put it on her, but she will grow to love it, I'm sure. :)
KB and great grandma Medvedeff
KB and great grandma and grandpa Sullivan (sorry the picture is so dark)
Sleeping soundly in her bassinet. She's just about too big and mommy will have to give in to the crib in the next room. How sad....
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 4:58 PM 0 comments
rollin, rollin, rollin
Kailyn is arollin!She started out on her back, and here's what I found!
Now that I'm here, what do I do next?
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 4:55 PM 1 comments
Playing catch up
Getting ready to go to my new 2nd cousin Isaac's shower
First time in the Bumbo seat- she'd rather be eating. :)
With my pals Snickers and Mr. Waddles
We rooted for them, but they still lost.
I am still amazed at how much time I don't have to do little things like post on here and sweep the floor. This baby business is a hard business to be in, but super rewarding too!
Here's some catch up pics from the last few weeks...
Posted by Mrs. Eshbaugh at 4:46 PM 1 comments